Search results28 projects

The open source Firebase alternative
A next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all to...
Shared data types for building collaborative software
Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
A fast, local first, reactive Database for JavaScript Applications https://...
Liveblocks is the platform for adding collaborative editing, comments, and ...
An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data.
Multiplayer Framework for Node.js
Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of a...
Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and serv...
Open-source platform for collaboration
Realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT)
Database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the...
The Open Source Firebase Alternative with GraphQL.
WebRTC - P2P - Simple, Secure, Fast Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 8k an...
WebRTC - SFU - Simple, Secure, Scalable Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 8...
Library for building distributed, real-time collaborative web applications
The API and real-time application framework
Real-time collaborative code editing on your own infrastructure
Dead simple, dependency-less, spec-compliant server-sent events implementat...
A collection of libraries and specifications for building real-time collabo...
Real-time web framework for Node.js
Soul | Automatic SQLite RESTful and realtime API server | Build CRUD APIs ...
Actionhero is a realtime multi-transport nodejs API Server with integrated ...
A Promise-based API for WebSockets
A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor
Highly scalable realtime pub/sub and RPC framework
The open realtime server