JavaScript Hall of Fame
Here are some of the greatest developers, authors and speakers of the JavaScript community.
They are sorted by number of followers, contact us to add more members!
They are sorted by number of followers, contact us to add more members!
Showing all 143 members by number of followers
Dan Abramov
gaearon on GitHub
Sindre Sorhus
sindresorhus on GitHub
TJ Holowaychuk
tj on GitHub
Kyle Simpson
getify on GitHub
Addy Osmani
addyosmani on GitHub
Wes Bos
wesbos on GitHub
JavaScript and design consultant
Kent C. Dodds
kentcdodds on GitHub
Paul Irish
paulirish on GitHub
Sarah Drasner
sdras on GitHub
Douglas Crockford
douglascrockford on GitHub
Author of the book "JavaScript: The Good Parts"
Oleksii Trekhleb
trekhleb on GitHub
Guillermo Rauch
rauchg on GitHub
Feross Aboukhadijeh
feross on GitHub
Jeremy Ashkenas
jashkenas on GitHub
Cassidy Williams
cassidoo on GitHub
Director of Developer Experience at Netlify. Talks about React, Next.js... and jokes!
Jason Miller
developit on GitHub
Mathias Bynens
mathiasbynens on GitHub
Lee Robinson
leerob on GitHub
Tanner Linsley
tannerlinsley on GitHub
Brian Vaughn
bvaughn on GitHub
Jake Archibald
jakearchibald on GitHub
Developer advocate for Google Chrome
Nicolas Gallagher
necolas on GitHub
Chris Coyier
chriscoyier on GitHub
Yehuda Katz
wycats on GitHub
Sophie Alpert
sophiebits on GitHub
Theo Browne
t3dotgg on GitHub
Matteo Collina
mcollina on GitHub
Ryan Florence
ryanflorence on GitHub
Andrey Sitnik
ai on GitHub
Ilya Grigorik
igrigorik on GitHub
Author of the book “High Performance Browser Networking”
Sebastian Markbåge
sebmarkbage on GitHub
Jamie Kyle
jamiebuilds on GitHub
Daniel Eden
daneden on GitHub
Michael Jackson
mjackson on GitHub
Manoela Ilic
crnacura on GitHub
Freelance web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design.
Max Stoiber
mxstbr on GitHub
max-mapper on GitHub
Author of "Art of Node" and "JavaScript For Cats"
Jarred Sumner
Jarred-Sumner on GitHub
Marijn Haverbeke
marijnh on GitHub
Author of "Eloquent Javascript"
Sean Larkin
TheLarkInn on GitHub
Nathan Rajlich
TooTallNate on GitHub
Brent Jackson
jxnblk on GitHub
Cheng Lou
chenglou on GitHub
Brendan Eich
BrendanEich on GitHub
Creator of the JavaScript programming language, co-founded the Mozilla project, CEO of Brave Software.
Eduardo San Martin Morote
posva on GitHub
Mattias Petter Johansson
mpj on GitHub
Maybe the funniest and most interesting Youtube channel about JavaScript!
Jack Herrington
jherr on GitHub
Blue Collar Coder channel on YouTube
Ken Wheeler
kenwheeler on GitHub
ashley williams
ashleygwilliams on GitHub
Quincy Larson
QuincyLarson on GitHub
Teacher at Free Code Camp
Philip Walton
philipwalton on GitHub
Jed Watson
JedWatson on GitHub
Jon Schlinkert
jonschlinkert on GitHub
Sara Soueidan
SaraSoueidan on GitHub
Awards-winning freelance front-end Web developer and speaker
Brent Vatne
brentvatne on GitHub
Christoph Nakazawa
cpojer on GitHub
Vladimir Kharlampidi
nolimits4web on GitHub
Segun Adebayo
segunadebayo on GitHub
Christopher Chedeau
vjeux on GitHub
David Walsh
darkwing on GitHub
Senior Web Developer and evangelist for Mozilla. Technical author of David Walsh Blog
Dominic Tarr
dominictarr on GitHub
Douglas Wilson
dougwilson on GitHub
Ilya Kantor
iliakan on GitHub
Creator of the most popular Russian speaking website about JavaScript
Kyle Mathews
KyleAMathews on GitHub
Nolan Lawson
nolanlawson on GitHub
Mark Dalgleish
markdalgleish on GitHub
Kitty Giraudel
KittyGiraudel on GitHub
Ionică Bizău (Johnny B.)
IonicaBizau on GitHub
Brian Lonsdorf
DrBoolean on GitHub
Author of the book "Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming”
Hemanth HM
hemanth on GitHub
Myles Borins
MylesBorins on GitHub
Axel Rauschmayer
rauschma on GitHub
Author of "Speaking JavaScript" and "Exploring ES6" books, writer on "2ality" blog.
jonathanong on GitHub
Rebecca Murphey
rmurphey on GitHub
Expertise in best practices for organizing, testing, refactoring, and maintaining JavaScript application code
Mary Rose Cook
maryrosecook on GitHub
Implemented Git in 1000 lines of JavaScript!
Christian Nwamba
christiannwamba on GitHub
co-organizes the largest Africa Developer community forLoop Africa, Angular Nigeria, Frontstack etc
Fred K. Schott
FredKSchott on GitHub
Jan Lehnardt
janl on GitHub
Reg Braithwaite
raganwald on GitHub
Author of the book "JavaScript Allongé"
Marcy Sutton-Todd
marcysutton on GitHub
Developer advocate & accessibility expert
Matt Mueller
matthewmueller on GitHub
Jaydson Gomes
jaydson on GitHub
Darcy Clarke
darcyclarke on GitHub
Henrik Joreteg
HenrikJoreteg on GitHub
Author of "Human JavaScript". Great talks "pocket-size" JS.
Forbes Lindesay
ForbesLindesay on GitHub
Sacha Greif
SachaG on GitHub
Peggy Rayzis
peggyrayzis on GitHub
Matthew Podwysocki
mattpodwysocki on GitHub
Eve Porcello
eveporcello on GitHub
Author of @OReillyMedia's Learning GraphQL & Learning React
Chris Williams
voodootikigod on GitHub
The Godfather of Nodebots, creator of JSConf and RobotsConf
Val Head
valhead on GitHub
Author of Designing Interface Animation, curates the weekly UI Animation Newsletter