Search results26 projects

Lightweight WASM Postgres with real-time, reactive bindings.
Database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the...
A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client. Pluggab...
JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional r...
Simple and fast JSON database
The fastest and simplest library for SQLite3 in Node.js.
Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
A mobile database: an alternative to SQLite & key-value stores
Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits
Turn markdown files into structured, queryable data (SQL and JSON). Build r...
SignalDB is a local JavaScript database with a MongoDB-like interface and T...
SQLite3 bindings for Node.js
WebAssembly version of DuckDB
A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
Realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT)
The official MongoDB Node.js driver
SQLocal makes it easy to run SQLite3 in the browser, backed by the origin p...
An async Key-Value storage API with conventional features like multi driver...
DEPRECATED: Use "react-native-nitro-sqlite" instead
Advanced in-memory caching for JavaScript.
A super-simple-small promise-based keyval store implemented with IndexedDB
Enhanced Map structure with additional utility methods.
Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web
Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps
A fast, local first, reactive Database for JavaScript Applications https://...
An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data.