Search results18 projects

A super-fast compiler written in rust
A superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust.
The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js.
A from-scratch experimental AOT JS engine, written in JS
A compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript
Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosyst...
Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code...
Unfancy JavaScript
A TypeScript superset that favors more types and less typing
A robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable Jav...
A ClojureScript framework for building user interfaces, leveraging React
Super-fast alternative to Babel for when you can target modern JS runtimes
Scala.js, the Scala to JavaScript compiler
Clojure to JS compiler
Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
ClojureScript compilation made easy