Radon IDE

VSCode/Cursor extension that turns your editor into a full featured IDE for React Native and Expo.
Created 10 months ago, last commit 19 hours ago
27 contributors
902 commits
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Radon IDE is an extension for VSCode and Cursor that turns your code editors into fully-featured IDEs for developing React Native and Expo apps.

💽 Installation and Usage

You can install Radon IDE with VSCode using the Install button on our VSCode Marketplace page.

You can also install it directly from the Extensions tab in VSCode or Cursor. First, open your editor, navigate to the Extensions tab, and search for Radon IDE. Then, use the Install button to install it:

Installation guide for VSCode

For more installation options, you can visit our installation guide.

Once you have the IDE installed, you can check our Getting Started Guide on how to launch and start using the extension.

💼 License

Radon IDE is available under a commercial license that can be purchased on our website: ide.swmansion.com. You can use our Free Trial License to evaluate whether the extension works for your project and use cases.

Once you purchase your license, you can follow our License Activation Guide to activate it using the IDE Panel in VSCode or Cursor.

✨ What does it do

Radon IDE aims to work with all sorts of React Native and Expo projects (see project compatibility page for details), and without any extra configuration, will build and launch your projects, providing an integrated simulator preview right in the editor and enabling a set of integrations that can accelerate the development process, including but not limited to:

Element inspector with component hierarchy


Debugger integrated with source code


Logging console with jump-to-source functionality

Device settings adjustments for theme, text size, location, system language, and more...

Screen recording and screen replays


Component preview functionality


Visit the Feature Highlights documentation page, where we showcase the most important features of the extension.

🐛 Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting and a guide on reporting issues, please visit our Troubleshooting Docs.

⚒️ Extension Development

If you want to develop the extension and contribute updates, head to the Development Guide.

🔗 Links

Visit the Radon IDE website.

Radon IDE is built by Software Mansion
