Express Zod API
Start your API server with I/O schema validation and custom middlewares in minutes.
- Overview
- How it works
- Quick start — Fast Track
- Basic features
- Advanced features
- Customizing input sources
- Headers as input source
- Nested routes
- Route path params
- Multiple schemas for one route
- Response customization
- Empty response
- Error handling
- Production mode
- Non-object response including file downloads
- File uploads
- Serving static files
- Connect to your own express app
- Testing endpoints
- Testing middlewares
- Special needs
- Different responses for different status codes
- Array response for migrating legacy APIs
- Accepting raw data
- Graceful shutdown
- Subscriptions
- Integration and Documentation
- Caveats
- Your input to my output
You can find the release notes and migration guides in Changelog.
I made this framework because of the often repetitive tasks of starting a web server APIs with the need to validate input data. It integrates and provides the capabilities of popular web server, logging, validation and documenting solutions. Therefore, many basic tasks can be accomplished faster and easier, in particular:
- You can describe web server routes as a hierarchical object.
- You can keep the endpoint's input and output type declarations right next to its handler.
- All input and output data types are validated, so it ensures you won't have an empty string, null or undefined where you expect a number.
- Variables within an endpoint handler have types according to the declared schema, so your IDE and Typescript will provide you with necessary hints to focus on bringing your vision to life.
- All of your endpoints can respond in a consistent way.
- The expected endpoint input and response types can be exported to the frontend, so you don't get confused about the field names when you implement the client for your API.
- You can generate your API documentation in OpenAPI 3.1 and JSON Schema compatible format.
These people contributed to the improvement of the framework by reporting bugs, making changes and suggesting ideas:
How it works
The API operates object schemas for input and output validation.
The object being validated is the combination of certain request
It is available to the endpoint handler as the input
Middlewares have access to all request
properties, they can provide endpoints with options
The object returned by the endpoint handler is called output
. It goes to the ResultHandler
which is
responsible for transmitting consistent responses containing the output
or possible error.
Much can be customized to fit your needs.
- Typescript first.
- Web server — Express.js v4 or v5.
- Schema validation — Zod 3.x including Zod Plugin.
- Supports any logger having
methods;- Built-in console logger with colorful and pretty inspections by default.
- Generators:
- Documentation — OpenAPI 3.1 (former Swagger);
- Client side types — inspired by zod-to-ts.
- File uploads — Express-FileUpload (based on Busboy).
Quick start
Install the framework, its peer dependencies and type assistance packages using your favorite package manager.
# example for yarn and express 5 (recommended):
yarn add express-zod-api express@^5 zod typescript http-errors
yarn add -D @types/express@^5 @types/node @types/http-errors
Ensure having the following options in your tsconfig.json
file in order to make it work as expected:
"compilerOptions": {
"strict": true,
"skipLibCheck": true
Set up config
Create a minimal configuration. See all available options in sources.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
const config = createConfig({
http: {
listen: 8090, // port, UNIX socket or options
cors: true,
Create an endpoints factory
In the basic case, you can just import and use the default factory. See also Middlewares and Response customization.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
Create your first endpoint
The endpoint responds with "Hello, World" or "Hello, {name}" if the name is supplied within GET
request payload.
import { z } from "zod";
const helloWorldEndpoint ={
// method: "get" (default) or array ["get", "post", ...]
input: z.object({
name: z.string().optional(),
output: z.object({
greetings: z.string(),
handler: async ({ input: { name }, options, logger }) => {
logger.debug("Options:", options); // middlewares provide options
return { greetings: `Hello, ${name || "World"}. Happy coding!` };
Set up routing
Connect your endpoint to the /v1/hello
import { Routing } from "express-zod-api";
const routing: Routing = {
v1: {
hello: helloWorldEndpoint,
Create your server
See the complete implementation example.
import { createServer } from "express-zod-api";
createServer(config, routing);
Try it
Start your application and execute the following command:
curl -L -X GET 'localhost:8090/v1/hello?name=Rick'
You should receive the following response:
{ "status": "success", "data": { "greetings": "Hello, Rick. Happy coding!" } }
Basic features
Middleware can authenticate using input or request
headers, and can provide endpoint handlers with options
Inputs of middlewares are also available to endpoint handlers within input
Here is an example of the authentication middleware, that checks a key
from input and token
from headers:
import { z } from "zod";
import createHttpError from "http-errors";
import { Middleware } from "express-zod-api";
const authMiddleware = new Middleware({
security: {
// this information is optional and used for generating documentation
and: [
{ type: "input", name: "key" },
{ type: "header", name: "token" },
input: z.object({
key: z.string().min(1),
handler: async ({ input: { key }, request, logger }) => {
logger.debug("Checking the key and token");
const user = await db.Users.findOne({ key });
if (!user) throw createHttpError(401, "Invalid key");
if (request.headers.token !== user.token)
throw createHttpError(401, "Invalid token");
return { user }; // provides endpoints with options.user
By using .addMiddleware()
method before .build()
you can connect it to the endpoint:
const yourEndpoint = defaultEndpointsFactory
handler: async ({ options: { user } }) => {
// user is the one returned by authMiddleware
}, // ...
You can create a new factory by connecting as many middlewares as you want — they will be executed in the specified
order for all the endpoints produced on that factory. You may also use a shorter inline syntax within the
method, and have access to the output of the previously executed middlewares in chain as options
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
const factory = defaultEndpointsFactory
.addMiddleware(authMiddleware) // add Middleware instance or use shorter syntax:
handler: async ({ options: { user } }) => ({}), // user from authMiddleware
In case you'd like to provide your endpoints with options that do not depend on Request, like non-persistent connection
to a database, consider shorthand method addOptions
. For static options consider reusing const
across your files.
import { readFile } from "node:fs/promises";
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
const endpointsFactory = defaultEndpointsFactory.addOptions(async () => {
// caution: new connection on every request:
const db = mongoose.connect("mongodb://connection.string");
const privateKey = await readFile("private-key.pem", "utf-8");
return { db, privateKey };
Notice on resources cleanup: If necessary, you can release resources at the end of the request processing in a custom Result Handler:
import { ResultHandler } from "express-zod-api";
const resultHandlerWithCleanup = new ResultHandler({
handler: ({ options }) => {
// necessary to check for certain option presence:
if ("db" in options && options.db) {
options.db.connection.close(); // sample cleanup
Using native express middlewares
There are two ways of connecting the native express middlewares depending on their nature and your objective.
In case it's a middleware establishing and serving its own routes, or somehow globally modifying the behaviour, or
being an additional request parser (like cookie-parser
), use the beforeRouting
option. However, it might be better
to avoid cors
here — the framework handles it on its own.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
import ui from "swagger-ui-express";
const config = createConfig({
beforeRouting: ({ app, getLogger }) => {
const logger = getLogger();"Serving the API documentation at");
app.use("/docs", ui.serve, ui.setup(documentation));
app.use("/custom", (req, res, next) => {
const childLogger = getLogger(req); // if childLoggerProvider is configured
In case you need a special processing of request
, or to modify the response
for selected endpoints, use the method
of EndpointsFactory
(or its alias use()
). The method has two optional features: a provider
of options and an error transformer for adjusting the response status code.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
import createHttpError from "http-errors";
import { auth } from "express-oauth2-jwt-bearer";
const factory = defaultEndpointsFactory.use(auth(), {
provider: (req) => ({ auth: req.auth }), // optional, can be async
transformer: (err) => createHttpError(401, err.message), // optional
You can implement additional validations within schemas using refinements.
Validation errors are reported in a response with a status code 400
import { z } from "zod";
import { Middleware } from "express-zod-api";
const nicknameConstraintMiddleware = new Middleware({
input: z.object({
nickname: z
(nick) => !/^\d.*$/.test(nick),
"Nickname cannot start with a digit",
// ...,
By the way, you can also refine the whole I/O object, for example in case you need a complex validation of its props.
const endpoint ={
input: z
email: z.string().email().optional(),
id: z.string().optional(),
otherThing: z.string().optional(),
(inputs) => Object.keys(inputs).length >= 1,
"Please provide at least one property",
// ...,
Since parameters of GET requests come in the form of strings, there is often a need to transform them into numbers or arrays of numbers.
import { z } from "zod";
const getUserEndpoint ={
input: z.object({
id: z.string().transform((id) => parseInt(id, 10)),
ids: z
.transform((ids) => ids.split(",").map((id) => parseInt(id, 10))),
handler: async ({ input: { id, ids }, logger }) => {
logger.debug("id", id); // type: number
logger.debug("ids", ids); // type: number[]
Top level transformations and mapping
For some APIs it may be important that public interfaces such as query parameters use snake case, while the
implementation itself requires camel case for internal naming. In order to facilitate interoperability between the
different naming standards you can .transform()
the entire input
schema into another object using a well-typed
mapping library, such as camelize-ts. However, that approach would not be
enough for the output
schema if you're also aiming to generate a valid documentation,
because the transformations themselves do not contain schemas. Addressing this case, the framework offers the .remap()
method of the object schema, a part of the Zod plugin, which under the hood, in addition to the
transformation, also .pipe()
the transformed object into a new object schema.
Here is a recommended solution: it is important to use shallow transformations only.
import camelize from "camelize-ts";
import snakify from "snakify-ts";
import { z } from "zod";
const endpoint ={
input: z
.object({ user_id: z.string() })
.transform((inputs) => camelize(inputs, /* shallow: */ true)),
output: z
.object({ userName: z.string() })
.remap((outputs) => snakify(outputs, /* shallow: */ true)),
handler: async ({ input: { userId }, logger }) => {
logger.debug("user_id became userId", userId);
return { userName: "Agneta" }; // becomes "user_name" in response
The .remap()
method can also accept an object with an explicitly defined naming of your choice. The original keys
missing in that object remain unchanged (partial mapping).
z.object({ user_name: z.string(), id: z.number() }).remap({
user_name: "weHAVEreallyWEIRDnamingSTANDARDS", // "id" remains intact
Dealing with dates
Dates in Javascript are one of the most troublesome entities. In addition, Date
cannot be passed directly in JSON
format. Therefore, attempting to return Date
from the endpoint handler results in it being converted to an ISO string
in actual response by calling
which in turn calls
It is also impossible to transmit the Date
in its original form to your endpoints within JSON. Therefore, there is
confusion with original method that should not be used within IO schemas of your API.
In order to solve this problem, the framework provides two custom methods for dealing with dates: ez.dateIn()
for using within input and output schemas accordingly.
is a transforming schema that accepts an ISO string
representation of a Date
, validates it, and
provides your endpoint handler or middleware with a Date
. It supports the following formats:
, on the contrary, accepts a Date
and provides ResultHandler
with a string
representation in ISO
format for the response transmission. Consider the following simplified example for better understanding:
import { z } from "zod";
import { ez, defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
const updateUserEndpoint ={
method: "post",
input: z.object({
userId: z.string(),
birthday: ez.dateIn(), // string -> Date in handler
output: z.object({
createdAt: ez.dateOut(), // Date -> string in response
handler: async ({ input }) => ({
createdAt: new Date("2022-01-22"), // 2022-01-22T00:00:00.000Z
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
You can enable your API for other domains using the corresponding configuration option cors
It's not optional to draw your attention to making the appropriate decision, however, it's enabled in the
Quick start example above, assuming that in most cases you will want to enable this feature.
See MDN article for more information.
In addition to being a boolean, cors
can also be assigned a function that overrides default CORS headers.
That function has several parameters and can be asynchronous.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
const config = createConfig({
cors: ({ defaultHeaders, request, endpoint, logger }) => ({
"Access-Control-Max-Age": "5000",
Please note: If you only want to send specific headers on requests to a specific endpoint, consider the Middlewares or response customization approach.
Enabling HTTPS
The modern API standard often assumes the use of a secure data transfer protocol, confirmed by a TLS certificate, also often called an SSL certificate in habit. This way you can additionally (or solely) configure and run the HTTPS server:
import { createConfig, createServer } from "express-zod-api";
const config = createConfig({
https: {
options: {
cert: fs.readFileSync("fullchain.pem", "utf-8"),
key: fs.readFileSync("privkey.pem", "utf-8"),
listen: 443, // port, UNIX socket or options
}, // ... cors, logger, etc
// 'await' is only needed if you're going to use the returned entities.
// For top level CJS you can wrap you code with (async () => { ... })()
const { app, servers, logger } = await createServer(config, routing);
Ensure having @types/node
package installed. At least you need to specify the port (usually it is 443) or UNIX socket,
certificate and the key, issued by the certifying authority. For example, you can acquire a free TLS certificate for
your API at Let's Encrypt.
Customizing logger
A simple built-in console logger is used by default with the following options that you can configure:
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
const config = createConfig({
logger: {
level: "debug", // or "warn" in production mode
color: undefined, // detects automatically, boolean
depth: 2, // controls how deeply entities should be inspected
You can also replace it with a one having at least the following methods: info()
, debug()
, error()
and warn()
Winston and Pino support is well known. Here is an example configuring pino
logger with pino-pretty
import pino, { Logger } from "pino";
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
const logger = pino({
transport: {
target: "pino-pretty",
options: { colorize: true },
const config = createConfig({ logger });
// Setting the type of logger used
declare module "express-zod-api" {
interface LoggerOverrides extends Logger {}
Child logger
In case you need a dedicated logger for each request (for example, equipped with a request ID), you can specify the
option in your configuration. The function accepts the initially defined logger and the request,
it can also be asynchronous. The child logger returned by that function will replace the logger
in all handlers.
You can use the .child()
method of the built-in logger or install a custom logger instead.
import { createConfig, BuiltinLogger } from "express-zod-api";
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";
// This enables the .child() method on "logger":
declare module "express-zod-api" {
interface LoggerOverrides extends BuiltinLogger {}
const config = createConfig({
childLoggerProvider: ({ parent, request }) =>
parent.child({ requestId: randomUUID() }), // accessible at logger.ctx.requestId later
For debugging and performance testing purposes the framework offers a simple .profile()
method on the built-in logger.
It starts a timer when you call it and measures the duration in adaptive units (from picoseconds to minutes) until you
invoke the returned callback. The default severity of those measurements is debug
import { createConfig, BuiltinLogger } from "express-zod-api";
// This enables the .profile() method on built-in logger:
declare module "express-zod-api" {
interface LoggerOverrides extends BuiltinLogger {}
// Inside a handler of Endpoint, Middleware or ResultHandler:
const done = logger.profile("expensive operation");
done(); // debug: expensive operation '555 milliseconds'
You can also customize the profiler with your own formatter, chosen severity or even performance assessment function:
message: "expensive operation",
severity: (ms) => (ms > 500 ? "error" : "info"), // assess immediately
formatter: (ms) => `${ms.toFixed(2)}ms`, // custom format
done(); // error: expensive operation '555.55ms'
Enabling compression
According to Express.js best practices guide it might be a good idea to enable GZIP and Brotli compression for your API responses.
Install compression
(version 1.8 supports Brotli) and @types/compression
, and enable or configure compression:
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
const config = createConfig({
/** @link */
compression: { threshold: "1kb" }, // or true
In order to receive a compressed response the client should include the following header in the request:
Accept-Encoding: br, gzip, deflate
. Only responses with compressible content types are subject to compression.
Advanced features
Customizing input sources
You can customize the list of request
properties that are combined into input
that is being validated and available
to your endpoints and middlewares. The order here matters: each next item in the array has a higher priority than its
previous sibling. The following arrangement is default:
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
inputSources: {
get: ["query", "params"],
post: ["body", "params", "files"],
put: ["body", "params"],
patch: ["body", "params"],
delete: ["query", "params"],
}, // ...
Headers as input source
In a similar way you can enable request headers as the input source. This is an opt-in feature. Please note:
- consider giving
the lowest priority among otherinputSources
to avoid overwrites; - consider handling headers in
and declaring them withinsecurity
property to improveDocumentation
; - the request headers acquired that way are always lowercase when describing their validation schemas.
import { createConfig, Middleware } from "express-zod-api";
import { z } from "zod";
inputSources: {
get: ["headers", "query"], // headers have lowest priority
}, // ...
new Middleware({
security: { type: "header", name: "token" }, // recommended
input: z.object({ token: z.string() }),
input: z.object({
"x-request-id": z.string(), // this one is from request.headers
id: z.string(), // this one is from request.query
}), // ...
Nested routes
Suppose you want to assign both /v1/path
and /v1/path/subpath
routes with Endpoints:
import { Routing } from "express-zod-api";
const routing: Routing = {
v1: {
path: endpointA.nest({
subpath: endpointB,
Route path params
You can assign your Endpoint to a route like /v1/user/:id
where :id
is the path parameter:
import { Routing } from "express-zod-api";
const routing: Routing = {
v1: {
user: { ":id": getUserEndpoint },
You then need to specify these parameters in the endpoint input schema in the usual way:
const getUserEndpoint ={
input: z.object({
// id is the route path param, always string
id: z.string().transform((value) => parseInt(value, 10)),
// other inputs (in query):
withExtendedInformation: z.boolean().optional(),
output: z.object({}),
handler: async ({ input: { id } }) => ({}), // id is number,
Multiple schemas for one route
Thanks to the DependsOnMethod
class a route may have multiple Endpoints attached depending on different methods.
It can also be the same Endpoint that handles multiple methods as well. The method
and methods
properties can be
omitted for EndpointsFactory::build()
so that the method determination would be delegated to the Routing
import { DependsOnMethod } from "express-zod-api";
// the route /v1/user has two Endpoints
// which handle a couple of methods each
const routing: Routing = {
v1: {
user: new DependsOnMethod({
get: endpointA,
delete: endpointA,
post: endpointB,
patch: endpointB,
See also Different responses for different status codes.
Response customization
is responsible for transmitting consistent responses containing the endpoint output or an error.
The defaultResultHandler
sets the HTTP status code and ensures the following type of the response:
type DefaultResponse<OUT> =
| { status: "success"; data: OUT } // Positive response
| { status: "error"; error: { message: string } }; // or Negative response
You can create your own result handler by using this example as a template:
import { z } from "zod";
import {
} from "express-zod-api";
const yourResultHandler = new ResultHandler({
positive: (data) => ({
schema: z.object({ data }),
mimeType: "application/json", // optinal or array
negative: z.object({ error: z.string() }),
handler: ({ error, input, output, request, response, logger }) => {
if (error) {
const { statusCode } = ensureHttpError(error);
const message = getMessageFromError(error);
return void response.status(statusCode).json({ error: message });
response.status(200).json({ data: output });
See also Different responses for different status codes.
After creating your custom ResultHandler
you can use it as an argument for EndpointsFactory
instance creation:
import { EndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
const endpointsFactory = new EndpointsFactory(yourResultHandler);
Empty response
For some REST APIs, empty responses are typical: with status code 204
(No Content) and redirects (302). In order to
describe it set the mimeType
to null
and schema
to z.never()
const resultHandler = new ResultHandler({
positive: { statusCode: 204, mimeType: null, schema: z.never() },
negative: { statusCode: 404, mimeType: null, schema: z.never() },
Error handling
is designed to be the entity responsible for centralized error handling. By default, that center is
the defaultResultHandler
, however, since much can be customized, you should be aware that there are three possible
origins of errors that could happen in runtime and be handled the following way:
- Ones related to
execution — handled by aResultHandler
assigned to theEndpointsFactory
produced it:- The following proprietary classes are available to you for customizing error handling in your
— when request payload does not match theinput
schema of the endpoint or middleware. The default response status code is400
property contains the originalZodError
— when returns of the endpoint'shandler
does not match itsoutput
schema (500
- Errors thrown within endpoint's
, made bycreateHttpError()
method ofhttp-errors
(required peer dependency). The default response status code is taken fromerror.statusCode
;- Others, inheriting from
class (500
- The following proprietary classes are available to you for customizing error handling in your
- Ones related to routing, parsing and upload issues — handled by
assigned toerrorHandler
in config:- Default is
— it sets the response status code from the correspondingHttpError
for parsing,404
for routing,config.upload.limitError.statusCode
for upload issues, or500
for others; - You can also set
config option to405
(Method not allowed) for requests having wrong method; ResultHandler
must handle possibleerror
and avoid throwing its own errors, otherwise:
- Default is
- Ones related to
execution — handled byLastResortHandler
:- Response status code is always
and the response itself is a plain text.
- Response status code is always
Production mode
Consider enabling production mode by setting NODE_ENV
environment variable to production
for your deployment:
- Express activates some performance optimizations;
- Self-diagnosis for potential problems is disabled to ensure faster startup;
- The
generalize server-side error messages in negative responses in order to improve the security of your API by not disclosing the exact causes of errors:- Throwing errors that have or imply
status codes become justInternal Server Error
message in response; - You can control that behavior by throwing errors using
and using itsexpose
- Throwing errors that have or imply
import createHttpError from "http-errors";
// NODE_ENV=production
// Throwing HttpError from Endpoint or Middleware that is using defaultResultHandler or defaultEndpointsFactory:
createHttpError(401, "Token expired"); // —> "Token expired"
createHttpError(401, "Token expired", { expose: false }); // —> "Unauthorized"
createHttpError(500, "Something is broken"); // —> "Internal Server Error"
createHttpError(501, "We didn't make it yet", { expose: true }); // —> "We didn't make it yet"
Non-object response
Thus, you can configure non-object responses too, for example, to send an image file.
You can find two approaches to EndpointsFactory
and ResultHandler
in this example.
One of them implements file streaming, in this case the endpoint just has to provide the filename.
The response schema generally may be just z.string()
, but I made more specific ez.file()
that also supports
and ez.file("base64")
variants which are reflected in the
generated documentation.
const fileStreamingEndpointsFactory = new EndpointsFactory(
new ResultHandler({
positive: { schema: ez.file("buffer"), mimeType: "image/*" },
negative: { schema: z.string(), mimeType: "text/plain" },
handler: ({ response, error, output }) => {
if (error) return void response.status(400).send(error.message);
if ("filename" in output)
else response.status(400).send("Filename is missing");
File uploads
Install the following additional packages: express-fileupload
and @types/express-fileupload
, and enable or
configure file uploads:
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
const config = createConfig({
upload: true, // or options
Refer to documentation on available options.
Some options are forced in order to ensure the correct workflow: abortOnLimit: false
, parseNested: true
, logger
is assigned with .debug()
method of the configured logger, and debug
is enabled by default.
The limitHandler
option is replaced by the limitError
one. You can also connect an additional middleware for
restricting the ability to upload using the beforeUpload
option. So the configuration for the limited and restricted
upload might look this way:
import createHttpError from "http-errors";
const config = createConfig({
upload: {
limits: { fileSize: 51200 }, // 50 KB
limitError: createHttpError(413, "The file is too large"), // handled by errorHandler in config
beforeUpload: ({ request, logger }) => {
if (!canUpload(request)) throw createHttpError(403, "Not authorized");
Then you can change the Endpoint
to handle requests having the multipart/form-data
content type instead of JSON by
using ez.upload()
schema. Together with a corresponding configuration option, this makes it possible to handle file
uploads. Here is a simplified example:
import { z } from "zod";
import { ez, defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
const fileUploadEndpoint ={
method: "post",
input: z.object({
avatar: ez.upload(), // <--
output: z.object({}),
handler: async ({ input: { avatar } }) => {
// avatar: {name, mv(), mimetype, data, size, etc}
// avatar.truncated is true on failure when limitError option is not set
You can still send other data and specify additional input
parameters, including arrays and objects.
Serving static files
In case you want your server to serve static files, you can use new ServeStatic()
in Routing
using the arguments
similar to express.static()
The documentation on these arguments you may find here.
import { Routing, ServeStatic } from "express-zod-api";
import { join } from "node:path";
const routing: Routing = {
// path /public serves static files from ./assets
public: new ServeStatic(join(__dirname, "assets"), {
dotfiles: "deny",
index: false,
redirect: false,
Connect to your own express app
If you already have your own configured express application, or you find the framework settings not enough, you can
connect the endpoints to your app or any express router using the attachRouting()
import express from "express";
import { createConfig, attachRouting, Routing } from "express-zod-api";
const app = express(); // or express.Router()
const config = createConfig({ app /* cors, logger, ... */ });
const routing: Routing = {}; // your endpoints go here
const { notFoundHandler, logger } = attachRouting(config, routing);
app.use(notFoundHandler); // optional
app.listen();"Glory to science!");
Please note that in this case you probably need to parse request.body
, call app.listen()
and handle 404
errors yourself. In this regard attachRouting()
provides you with notFoundHandler
which you can optionally connect
to your custom express app.
Besides that, if you're looking to include additional request parsers, or a middleware that establishes its own routes,
then consider using the beforeRouting
option in config instead.
Testing endpoints
The way to test endpoints is to mock the request, response, and logger objects, invoke the execute()
method, and
assert the expectations on status, headers and payload. The framework provides a special method testEndpoint
makes mocking easier. Under the hood, request and response object are mocked using the
node-mocks-http library, therefore you can utilize its API for
settings additional properties and asserting expectation using the provided getters, such as ._getStatusCode()
import { testEndpoint } from "express-zod-api";
test("should respond successfully", async () => {
const { responseMock, loggerMock } = await testEndpoint({
endpoint: yourEndpoint,
requestProps: {
method: "POST", // default: GET
body: {}, // incoming data as if after parsing (JSON)
}, // responseOptions, configProps, loggerProps
expect(responseMock._getHeaders()).toHaveProperty("x-custom", "one"); // lower case!
expect(responseMock._getJSONData()).toEqual({ status: "success" });
Testing middlewares
Middlewares can also be tested individually using the testMiddleware()
method. You can also pass options
from outputs of previous middlewares, if the one being tested somehow depends on them. There is errorHandler
for catching a middleware error and transforming into a response to assert in test along with other returned entities.
import { z } from "zod";
import { Middleware, testMiddleware } from "express-zod-api";
const middleware = new Middleware({
input: z.object({ test: z.string() }),
handler: async ({ options, input: { test } }) => ({
collectedOptions: Object.keys(options),
testLength: test.length,
const { output, responseMock, loggerMock } = await testMiddleware({
requestProps: { method: "POST", body: { test: "something" } },
options: { prev: "accumulated" }, // responseOptions, configProps, loggerProps
// errorHandler: (error, response) => response.end(error.message),
expect(output).toEqual({ collectedOptions: ["prev"], testLength: 9 });
Special needs
Different responses for different status codes
In some special cases you may want the ResultHandler to respond slightly differently depending on the status code,
for example if your API strictly follows REST standards. It may also be necessary to reflect this difference in the
generated Documentation. For that purpose, the constructor of ResultHandler
accepts flexible declaration of possible
response schemas and their corresponding status codes.
import { ResultHandler } from "express-zod-api";
new ResultHandler({
positive: (data) => ({
statusCode: [201, 202], // created or will be created
schema: z.object({ status: z.literal("created"), data }),
negative: [
statusCode: 409, // conflict: entity already exists
schema: z.object({ status: z.literal("exists"), id: z.number().int() }),
statusCode: [400, 500], // validation or internal error
schema: z.object({ status: z.literal("error"), reason: z.string() }),
handler: ({ error, response, output }) => {
// your implementation here
Array response
Please avoid doing this in new projects: responding with array is a bad practice keeping your endpoints from evolving
in backward compatible way (without making breaking changes). Nevertheless, for the purpose of easier migration of
legacy APIs to this framework consider using arrayResultHandler
or arrayEndpointsFactory
instead of default ones,
or implement your own ones in a similar way.
The arrayResultHandler
expects your endpoint to have items
property in the output
object schema. The array
assigned to that property is used as the response. This approach also supports examples, as well as documentation and
client generation. Check out the example endpoint for more details.
Accepting raw data
Some APIs may require an endpoint to be able to accept and process raw data, such as streaming or uploading a binary
file as an entire body of request. Use the proprietary ez.raw()
schema as the input schema of your endpoint.
The default parser in this case is express.raw()
. You can customize it by assigning the rawParser
option in config.
The raw data is placed into request.body.raw
property, having type Buffer
import { defaultEndpointsFactory, ez } from "express-zod-api";
const rawAcceptingEndpoint ={
method: "post",
input: ez.raw({
/* the place for additional inputs, like route params, if needed */
output: z.object({ length: z.number().int().nonnegative() }),
handler: async ({ input: { raw } }) => ({
length: raw.length, // raw is Buffer
Graceful shutdown
You can enable and configure a special request monitoring that, if it receives a signal to terminate a process, will first put the server into a mode that rejects new requests, attempt to complete started requests within the specified time, and then forcefully stop the server and terminate the process.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
gracefulShutdown: {
timeout: 1000,
events: ["SIGINT", "SIGTERM"],
If you want the user of a client application to be able to subscribe to subsequent updates initiated by the server,
consider Server-Sent Events (SSE) feature.
Client application can subscribe to the event stream using EventSource
class instance or the
instance of the generated Subscription
class. The following example demonstrates
the implementation emitting the time
event each second.
import { z } from "zod";
import { EventStreamFactory } from "express-zod-api";
import { setTimeout } from "node:timers/promises";
const subscriptionEndpoint = EventStreamFactory({
time: z.number().int().positive(),
input: z.object({}), // optional input schema
handler: async ({ options: { emit, isClosed } }) => {
while (!isClosed()) {
await setTimeout(1000);
If you need more capabilities, such as bidirectional event sending, I have developed an additional websocket operating framework, Zod Sockets, which has similar principles and capabilities.
Integration and Documentation
Zod Plugin
Express Zod API acts as a plugin for Zod, extending its functionality once you import anything from express-zod-api
- Adds
method to all Zod schemas for storing examples and reflecting them in the generated documentation; - Adds
method to all schemas for marking properties and request parameters as deprecated; - Adds
method toZodDefault
for replacing the default value in documentation with a label; - Adds
method toZodObject
for renaming object properties in a suitable way for making documentation; - Alters the
method on all Zod schemas by making the assigned brand available in runtime.
Generating a Frontend Client
You can generate a Typescript file containing the IO types of your API and a client for it.
Consider installing prettier
and using the async printFormatted()
import { Integration } from "express-zod-api";
const client = new Integration({
variant: "client", // <— optional, see also "types" for a DIY solution
optionalPropStyle: { withQuestionMark: true, withUndefined: true }, // optional
const prettierFormattedTypescriptCode = await client.printFormatted(); // or just .print() for unformatted
Alternatively, you can supply your own format
function into that method or use a regular print()
method instead.
The generated client is flexibly configurable on the frontend side for using a custom implementation function that
makes requests using the libraries and methods of your choice. The default implementation uses fetch
. The client
asserts the type of request parameters and response. Consuming the generated client requires Typescript version 4.1+.
import { Client, Implementation, Subscription } from "./client.ts"; // the generated file
const client = new Client(/* optional custom Implementation */);
client.provide("get /v1/user/retrieve", { id: "10" });
client.provide("post /v1/user/:id", { id: "10" }); // it also substitues path params
new Subscription("get /v1/events/stream", {}).on("time", (time) => {}); // Server-sent events (SSE)
Creating a documentation
You can generate the specification of your API and write it to a .yaml
file, that can be used as the documentation:
import { Documentation } from "express-zod-api";
const yamlString = new Documentation({
routing, // the same routing and config that you use to start the server
version: "1.2.3",
title: "Example API",
serverUrl: "",
composition: "inline", // optional, or "components" for keeping schemas in a separate dedicated section using refs
// descriptions: { positiveResponse, negativeResponse, requestParameter, requestBody }, // check out these features
// numericRange: null, // to disable printing min/max values for z.number() based on JS engine limits
You can add descriptions and examples to your endpoints, their I/O schemas and their properties. It will be included into the generated documentation of your API. Consider the following example:
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
const exampleEndpoint ={
shortDescription: "Retrieves the user.", // <—— this becomes the summary line
description: "The detailed explanaition on what this endpoint does.",
input: z.object({
id: z.number().describe("the ID of the user").example(123),
// ..., similarly for output and middlewares
See the example of the generated documentation here
Tagging the endpoints
When generating documentation, you may find it necessary to classify endpoints into groups. The possibility of tagging
endpoints is available for that purpose. In order to establish the constraints on tags across all the endpoints, they
should be declared as keys of TagOverrides
interface. Consider the following example:
import { defaultEndpointsFactory, Documentation } from "express-zod-api";
// Add similar declaration once, somewhere in your code, preferably near config
declare module "express-zod-api" {
interface TagOverrides {
users: unknown;
files: unknown;
subscriptions: unknown;
// Use the declared tags for endpoints
const exampleEndpoint ={
tag: "users", // or array ["users", "files"]
// Add extended description of the tags to Documentation (optional)
new Documentation({
tags: {
users: "All about users",
files: { description: "All about files", url: "" },
Deprecated schemas and routes
As your API evolves, you may need to mark some parameters or routes as deprecated before deleting them. For this
purpose, the .deprecated()
method is available on each schema, Endpoint
and DependsOnMethod
, it's immutable.
You can also deprecate all routes the Endpoint
assigned to by setting EndpointsFactory::build({ deprecated: true })
import { Routing, DependsOnMethod } from "express-zod-api";
import { z } from "zod";
const someEndpoint ={
deprecated: true, // deprecates all routes the endpoint assigned to
input: z.object({
prop: z.string().deprecated(), // deprecates the property or a path parameter
const routing: Routing = {
v1: oldEndpoint.deprecated(), // deprecates the /v1 path
v2: new DependsOnMethod({ get: oldEndpoint }).deprecated(), // deprecates the /v2 path
v3: someEndpoint, // the path is assigned with initially deprecated endpoint (also deprecated)
Customizable brands handling
You can customize handling rules for your schemas in Documentation and Integration. Use the .brand()
method on your
schema to make it special and distinguishable for the framework in runtime. Using symbols is recommended for branding.
After that utilize the brandHandling
feature of both constructors to declare your custom implementation. In case you
need to reuse a handling rule for multiple brands, use the exposed types Depicter
and Producer
import ts from "typescript";
import { z } from "zod";
import {
} from "express-zod-api";
const myBrand = Symbol("MamaToldMeImSpecial"); // I recommend to use symbols for this purpose
const myBrandedSchema = z.string().brand(myBrand);
const ruleForDocs: Depicter = (
schema: typeof myBrandedSchema, // you should assign type yourself
{ next, path, method, isResponse }, // handle a nested schema using next()
) => {
const defaultDepiction = next(schema.unwrap()); // { type: string }
return { summary: "Special type of data" };
const ruleForClient: Producer = (
schema: typeof myBrandedSchema, // you should assign type yourself
{ next, isResponse }, // handle a nested schema using next()
) => ts.factory.createKeywordTypeNode(ts.SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword);
new Documentation({
brandHandling: { [myBrand]: ruleForDocs },
new Integration({
brandHandling: { [myBrand]: ruleForClient },
There are some well-known issues and limitations, or third party bugs that cannot be fixed in the usual way, but you should be aware of them.
Coercive schema of Zod
Despite being supported by the framework, z.coerce.*
does not work intuitively.
Please be aware that z.coerce.number()
and z.number({ coerce: true })
(being typed not well) still will NOT allow
you to assign anything but number. Moreover, coercive schemas are not fail-safe and their methods .isOptional()
are buggy. If possible, try to avoid using this type
of schema. This issue will NOT be fixed in
Zod version 3.x.
Excessive properties in endpoint output
The schema validator removes excessive properties by default. However, Typescript does not yet display errors in this case during development. You can achieve this verification by assigning the output schema to a constant and reusing it in forced type of the output:
import { z } from "zod";
const output = z.object({
anything: z.number(),
handler: async (): Promise<z.input<typeof output>> => ({
anything: 123,
excessive: "something", // error TS2322, ok!
Your input to my output
If you have a question or idea, or you found a bug, or vulnerability, or security issue, or want to make a PR: please refer to Contributing Guidelines.