Search results49 projects

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The library for web and native user interfaces.
web development for the rest of us
A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your marku...
A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI...
A progressive, incrementally-adoptable framework for building UI on the web
Access AJAX, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML
Build fast web applications with Rust.
Rust / Wasm framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications
Deliver web apps with confidence
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user...
Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual D...
A simple library for building fast, lightweight web components
An ultra-lightweight, zero-dependency and unopinionated Reactive UI framewo...
Instant-loading web apps, without effort
6kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement
<1KB Virtual DOM Implementation
Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications...
A JavaScript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications
The Design Engineering Framework for the Web
SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
An easy to use, lightweight library for web-components.
A Low Profile Component Framework – Stable, minimal, easy to audit, zero-de...
A declarative, type-safe UI library for PureScript.
An experimental tool for programming reactive interfaces using native JavaS...
File based routing metaframework for blazing fast custom elements
A micro reactive, with a two-way data binding, no dependencies, JavaScript ...
Reactive micro-modular ui framework. Very simple, but very powerful!
An ultra-light UI runtime
Frontend compiler, inspired by Svelte
OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready web applications, responsive to all...